2024 Scholarly Symposium

Virginia Academy of Family Physicians
2024 Scholarly Symposium

Saturday, November 2, 2024
Virtual via Zoom
10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.


The Virginia Academy of Family Physicians is seeking submissions for the VAFP Scholarly Symposium to be held on Saturday, November 2, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. virtual via Zoom.


Submissions from medical students, residents, and fellows are eligible. 


Scholarly activity may be presented in poster format or as an oral presentation.

  • Type of scholarly activity may be clinical or population health research, medical education research, literature review, case reports, QI/PI projects, clinical successes, patient stories, or educational projects.
  • Topic should be relevant to family medicine/primary care.
  • Submissions must be of original work not yet published or presented at regional or national meetings (except institutional symposiums).
  • Submission may be a work in progress or completed.
  • Collaborative work is welcome.
  • Concurrent (2024) submissions to other conferences such as the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) and Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) are encouraged.
  • Medical student projects previously presented at medical schools are accepted/encouraged.
Meeting Format

All participants will pre-record their presentations – oral presentations limited to 5 minutes and poster presentations limited to 2-3 minutes.  The preliminary schedule of events will be based on the number of submissions received/selected.

Submissions from each category by registrant type (medical students, residents, and fellows) will be included.  The pre-recorded presentations (oral – 5 minutes and poster – 2-3 minutes) will be followed by a question-and-answer session facilitated by the moderator.

How to Submit Your Project

If you have multiple submissions, one application form should be completed for each submission. 

Submission Deadlines:
Submit application including abstract (250 words or less) no later than October 11, 2024.

Submit your prerecorded presentation (voice over PowerPoint file(s) with or without speaker view) no later than October 18, 2024.

Feedback on Submitted Research

All projects will be reviewed and provided written feedback by a minimum of two judges. Review will focus on the following:

  • Quality of research/QI methodology and appropriate use
  • Validity of conclusions or anticipated results
  • Clarity and cohesive message during presentation
  • Relevance of and/or impact on family medicine
  • Innovation of research or quality improvement
  • Organization/understandability of poster/presentation

For presentations and posters in which the above criteria do not apply, reviewers will seek to evaluate the extent to which the submitted presentation is of interest to family physicians.

Questions:  Please call Cheryl Modesto at 804-968-5200 or e-mail cmodesto@vafp.org.

2023 First Place – Student – Neha Shankar

Technological and Educational Challenges with Integration of Telemedicine into Primary Care Practices during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Clinician Perspective– Lead Author: Neha Shankar, MS2 – VCU School of Medicine (Type of Project: Oral Presentation on Completed Scholarly Activity)

2023 First Place – Resident – Mary Scourboutakos, MD

Breast Cancer Primary Prevention & Diet: A Review of the Dose-Response Relationship Between Various Foods/Nutrients and Risk for Breast Cancer – Lead Author: Mary Scourboutakos, MD, PGY-3, Eastern Virginia Medical School Family Medicine Residency Program (Type of Project: Oral Presentation on Completed Scholarly Activity)